Airway Health Dentistry in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Airway health dentistry niagara falls

How Is Our Smile Connected to Our Airway?

Breathing through the nose affects your facial development by keeping your airway open, and preventing issues associated with the tongue position from mouth breathing. When you breathe through the mouth, you have nowhere to rest your tongue and this negatively impacts jaw development, facial features, and posture. 

Nose breathing ensures that your tongue comfortably rests against the root of your mouth, in turn creating defined cheekbones and greater width of the face. The nose also performs many crucial functions to the air you breathe in and when you breathe through the mouth, you’re bypassing all of these necessary functions. 

When your jaw doesn’t develop properly, it can cause blockages in your airway that lead to sleep apnea. Mouth breathing contributes to undesirable facial features that can cause deep insecurity. 

These include a long and narrow face, receding chins, and a much less prominent jaw. These jaw problems can also increase the risk of orthodontic problems like crooked teeth and bite problems. Your dentist in Niagara Falls can help with your airway problems!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can An Airway-Focused Dentist Help?

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An airway-focused dentist can develop an oral appliance for you to wear that is custom-fit to your mouth and will shift your lower jaw forward, effectively keeping your airway open. This greatly reduces sleep apnea episodes in those with mild to moderate sleep apnea. 

Most patients prefer wearing a mouthguard to using a CPAP machine, which is very noisy, uncomfortable, claustrophobic, and can cause feelings of insecurity if you sleep with a partner. Contact us at Ivory Dental Studio today to schedule a consultation with your dentist in Niagara Falls.

Airway Anatomy & Sleep Breathing

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Obstructive sleep apnea causes a blockage in your upper airway by overrelaxing the muscles in your throat. This can be a result of enlarged adenoids or other tissues, which you are at an increased risk of if you breathe through your mouth. 

Your tongue itself can also block your airway from overrelaxing during sleep and this comes back to improper tongue position when you breathe through your mouth. If you suffer from these problems, we can work in tandem with a sleep specialist to get you diagnosed with sleep apnea and develop a treatment plan which usually involves wearing an oral appliance that shifts your jaw forward and holds your airway open.

The Benefits of Nasal Breathing

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Breathing through your nose is very important because this is the most optimal way to breathe. Your body was designed for you to inhale and exhale through your nose and the reason for that is because many crucial physiological benefits occur this way. 

It humidifies the air which eliminates bacteria and warms the air to the optimal temperature before reaching the lungs. You have a more controlled breathing rate which prevents excess oxygen from reaching your lungs. 

This is so you don’t have excess CO2 entering the bloodstream. Inhaling through the nose also produces nitric oxide in the sinuses which regulate your blood pressure and blood flow. Nose breathing reduces snoring, and the risk of sleep apnea, bruxism, and TMD.

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